About SPTR
This website, sptr.net, was for some time the home of physics teaching resources in Scotland. It used to look like this. Having owned the domain for over a decade, I’ve decided to keep it for its simplicity (four consonants are easy to spell over a phone line), and to re-purpose it as my “web home”.
I’ve been a blogger longer than many of the “influencers” have been alive. Not that I’d claim that epithet. My impostor syndrome, which seems to be maturing faster than I am, would never allow it. I’ve been a storyteller much longer, and was encouraged to read and write, and listen to stories all of my life. Somewhere around here1, I have my first ever story, written at the age of 5, and illustrated with sketches and speech bubbles. I never seemed to make a vocation of it, always too busy working or travelling. No regrets, and insha’Allah, plenty of time for that yet.
My first web presence, more an “electronic yellow pages entry” than a web log was posted in 1996, I think. The WayBack Machine has a snapshot of my company site in 1997, which includes a link to the Forth Valley Pony Club newsletter and the some of their adventures.
Forward to 2003, and this blog entry was made at the point of my transition into education, a step charaterised my one of my catch phrases, which my mother said would be written on my gravestone:
“well, it seemed like a good idea at the time”
Over twenty years later still, and I now have this mix of education-research-photography-art blog that I sometimes call NixImagery, where I write and post images made about research, education and the various excursions made usually with my wife, who is a better photographer than I am.
Why do I write? Well, I think it’s to discover who I am. Try it yourself.
I have no idea where really. I have loads of stuff in storage and think I still have it in amongst the stuff I retrieved from my Mum’s house in 2020.↩︎