Cotman Paints


18th April 2024


3rd August 2024

This is just an easy reference to what watercolour paints I have available in my two Winsor & Newton sets.

Studio set

empty Lemon Yellow Hue Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue Gamboge Hue Cadmium Yellow Hue Cadmium Orange Hue Cadmium Red Pale Cadmium Red Hue Cadmium Red Deep Alizarin Crimson Hue Permanent Rose Rose Madder Hue Purple Lake Mauve Dioaxine Purple
- PY175 PY175, PY65 PR209, PY150 PY65, PY97 PO43, PY83 PR255, PY65 PR149, PR255 PR188, PR254 PR206 PV19 PV19 PV19 PR122, PV23 PV23
empty Ultramarine Cobalt Blue Cerulean Blue Hue Turquoise Intense Bluse (Pthalo Bue) Prussian Blue Intense Green (Pthalo Green) Viridian Hue Emerald Hooker’s Green Dark Hooker’s Green Light Sap Green Raw Sienna Yellow Ochre
- PB29 PB29, PW4 PB15 PB15, PG7 PB15 PB27 PG36 PG7 PG7, PY175 PB15, PG7,PY139 PB15, PG7,PY139 PG36, PR101, PY139 PR101, PY42 PY42
empty Raw Umber Burnt Sienna Light Red Indian Red Vandyke Brown Burnt Umber Sepia Indigo Payne’s Gray Ivory Black Lamp Black Chinese White empty empty
- PBr7, PY42 PR101 PR101 PR101 PBr7, PR101 PBr7, PY42 PBk7, PBr7 PB15, PB29, PBk7 PB15, PB29, PBk7 PBk9 PBk6 PW5 - -

Landscape box

Alizarin Crimson Hue Cadmium Red Deep Cadmium Yellow Hue Lemon Yellow Hue Cobalt Blue Ultramarine
PR206 PR188,PR254 PY65,PY97 PY175 PB29,PW4 PB29
Yellow Ochre Raw Umber Burnt Sienna Sap Green Payne’s Gray empty
PY42 PBr7, PY42 PR101 PG36, PR101, PY139 PB15, PB29, PBk7 -


Half-pan Lemon Yellow Hue
Half-pan Cadmium Red Deep
Half-pan Cobalt Blue
Half-pan Alizarin Crimson Hue
Half-pan Ultramarine
Half-pan Yellow Ochre
Half-pan Ivory Black
Half-pan Chinese White

WN Cotman Colours

WN Cotman Colours