Circles around the grit

Occasional posts on things


20th April 2024


14th May 2024

Circles Around The Grit is a kind of blog, where I occasionally post some thoughts or ideas in writing. It has a new home here on, which was the haunt of the old Magic Physics Pixies. SPTR is, in 2024, now the single portal to most of the stuff I am doing online. Quite of lot of the stuff I have written over the years has ended up deleted, except for the fragments that remain over at the Internet Archive. I’ve played about with various platforms, from WordPress to SubStack and none of them last. “Vanity of vanities, said the preacher.” If rss syndication is your thing, there’s a feed here.

The title is inspired by the BBC radio programme, Something Understood, in which…

“Presenters choose a theme that interests them and then pick pieces of music, poetry and prose. […] The presenter then circles around the grit until the end of the programme, when they may or may not have an answer.” (LOFTUS, 2007)

That programme, even the repeats, has sadly been axed by the BBC but the pedagogy I think I see there was the stimulus of my current PhD research.

Nick Hood CPhys FInstP MRAeS SFHEA

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