Three Lochs Drive


11th May 2024


8th June 2024

Loch Achray, one of the three lochs on the trail

Loch Achray, one of the three lochs on the trail

We’ve been up to the Three Lochs Drive on a number of occasions, always at the wrong time, until today. Today, we made a plan to take a picnic in the car and to enjoy driving in the opposite direction to the hordes expected to head for the coast in the predicted heat. It’s about an hour from home, and despite a late night chasing auroras, we were up early enough to be there with time enough to enjoy the circular drive around the Queen Elizabeth Forest park in the Trossachs.

We stopped in Callander for a couple of essentials, and also at the Blair Drummond Smiddy farm shop to check it out. No disappointment there, and we’d recommend supporting the farmers who sell their produce there. Nothing tastes as good as Scottish farm produce.

Out on the trail, there were families enjoying the spaces but plenty of space for us to feel as if we were on a summer holiday. I “facetimed” a pal to wish him a happy birthday and give him a glimpse of something different from his intensely urban surroundings. He seemed to appreciate it and we promised to catch up later in the year.

In the forest, it was humid and wet, bursting with life and leafy perfume from the bluebells, the music of birds all around. Utter bliss.