

15th June 2024


15th June 2024

Well, not just Arbroath. The family took a weekend break in the Old Church House at Colliston, which provided a nice old-time, Cluedo-style setting for a murder.

Col. Mustard, with the candlestick, in the lobby

Col. Mustard, with the candlestick, in the lobby

The place is, as betrayed by the name, a converted church, with some decent furniture and a lot of good quality paintings. Or, at least, good copies. A former owner was a well-known artist who specialised in this kind of art. Well, when in Rome. I made an effort to actually practice my own art, albeit at a different level from that adorning the walls of the place. The watercolour below is the first I’d tried for some long time – it’s the view from the conservatory room south-west across the fields. I also need to practice my sketching more – the church sketch was done in 10 minutes from Tesco car park.

Knox’s Church, Arbroath

Knox’s Church, Arbroath

Of course, we explored the area a bit, but mostly we ate, chilled, played pool or the piano, and took time to relax together in retreat as a family. The fish suppers were excellent; the harbour fascinating

The Signal Tower museum in Arbroath.

The Signal Tower museum in Arbroath.

Arbroath has a working harbour. People are busy, even at the weekend.

Arbroath has a working harbour. People are busy, even at the weekend.

I think we might be back. The Old Church is right up our street, in terms of being the right balance between isolation and facilities. Parking is tricky, though, and it’s not really a place for kids or people who don’t appreciate civilised living.